Why We Serve

We spoke to some of the people who serve across the different team/ministries in our church. Hear what they have to say about why they serve, where they serve and how serving makes them feel. If you would like to join one of the teams mentioned, please fill up the form below.

Our Serve Teams

  • I58 provides free hot meals and clothing support for the homeless. The team meets every Friday night and every Saturday morning.

  • The Baby Bank provides clothes for babies and young toddlers. They serve the community every Tuesday from 10 am

  • This team shares free food and groceries with the community every Monday and Friday.

  • We run a creche and children’s ministry on Sunday morning at 11 am. We host a Toddler’s Group every Thursday at the Hub, Youth and Community Centre. If you love kids and want to see them grow in their knowledge of God then this is for you!

  • Our Young Saints team is filled with fun, vibrant people who are passionate about working with our young people.

  • We have a group of Students and Young Adults who gather regularly and pursue the presence of God.

  • We have a large community of elderly people who are young at heart . This lively group gathers regularly and we have volunteers who serve them in various ways on a regular basis.

  • If you are a musician, vocalist or just passionate about singing this team is for you!

  • If you would like to assist us with our livestream, sound, projection, photography, videography or content creation then this is the team for you!

  • This team includes Mini bus drivers, the Stewarding team/Welcome team (ushers), clear up/set up team, servers (serving communion, drinks/teas), car park stewards and the security team.

City Church Kids Team

Baby Bank

Young Saints

Join a Team!