We Are Seeking:

To Bring Hope to The City!

Our Values

We embrace the person and power of the holy spirit. we minister to every age group. We're fun and do things well. We know we are valued by God, and therefore show value for each other. We want to be people you can call "family". We are blessed in order to be a blessing to others. We are committed to helping the broken. We ensure the pastoral care and spiritual development of our members. We bring hope to Swansea and to the rest of the world. We praise God with passion, intimately worship, and pray with power.

Our Beliefs

City Church is part of the Elim Pentecostal Movement and what we believe is formed around Elim's Foundational Truths.

These explain our theology and are statements of faith - they are powerful, non-negotiable and guide all we say and do.

You can find out more about Elim by clicking their logo, and read about our beliefs.