Identity: Who am I?
Discovering Your True Identity in Christ
As we begin this series, "Identity," the one thing that we are seeking to answer, quite fundamentally, is the question, "Who am I?" Something all of us go through at one or different stages of our lives -be it a student in a new city, a professional caught up in the grind for work, or someone in the transition phase of life.
The story of blind Bartimaeus reminds us of the very real transformative power of proclaiming a new identity in Christ. Just as Bartimaeus threw away that old, dirty cloak, so we too must release ourselves from those false stories holding us hostage from truly being who we are in Christ. Now is the time to step into that place of identity given to us by God free from the burdens of our past.
The Battle for Our Identity
We find ourselves in a world where stealing of identity both in the literal and spiritual sense of the word is a threat. In the same way that hackers steal another person's identity, so Satan wages a spiritual war over our true identity. Because Christ has been victorious over sin, the battle for self-awareness and spiritual identity rages on. The Apostle Paul writes of this in Ephesians 6:12 when he says,
“For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places”
Obstacles to Our Identity
Several things can blind us from our true identity. These include:
Negative words: These hurtful words spoken by other people may define us.
Society's Pressure: Sometimes, we feel compelled to surrender to the demands of society.
Past Pain: The pain may be so strong as to make an individual feel so broken beyond help and worthless.
Shame: Guilt and shame are the feelings that prevent us from loving ourselves as we are.
So, what is it that keeps you from stepping fully into your identity in Christ? The opinion of others, the persuasions of society, personal pain, and even shame stand in the way of being who we actually are. These are pragmatic things that require confrontation if we will ever hope to live in the fullness of our God-given identity.
A New Understanding of Being "In Christ"
In Christ, we are more than just followers; we are chosen, royal priests, a part of the holy nation, and God's special possession according to 1 Peter 2.9. From this profound reality, we understand we are not believers who are some distance away but are organically united to Christ as branches are to a tree. The personal, intimate connection defines who we are as followers of Jesus. He chose you before the foundation of the world, before He created the oceans, all the planets, and all the stars. God chose you because He desired to, not because He had to. And His choice of you was deliberate, specific, and eternal.
Some Key Features of Our Identity in Christ:
Chosen People: God's chosen, immensely loved, and treasured people.
Royal Priesthood: Because as priests, we have direct access to God and serve others.
God's Special Possession: We are His treasure and prize.
Totally Loved and Forgiven: God loves us unconditionally and has forgiven our sins.
Living in Your True Identity
Knowing who we are in Christ will inform how we live. We're not just trying to make it through this life, but we've been called to thrive in our God-given roles. We are priests in the very spaces where we work, study, and rest. A go-between-the gap repaired between God and man serving the needs of people.
We are much more God's special possession, which is priceless. It is not what the world thinks about us that gives us value but the price God paid for us with the life of His Son. We are not ordinary; we are chosen, loved, and extra special to the King of Kings.
In Christ, we are absolutely loved, wholly forgiven, and eternally treasured. May we confidently move in that identity, breaking free from the chains of lies that try to hold us captive. As His peculiar treasure, He has an inheritance for us standing far above what this world could offer. Let's walk in it.
Sermon delivered by Pastor Philip Lyndon-Jones on October 6, 2024, at the City Church Swansea Sunday Service